Barn Gallery
Grandpa's Place    ID# B-004

Grandpa is milking cows in the
barn and Grandma is in the
country kitchen baking cookies.
When I look at this drawing, I can
almost smell the cookies
coming out of the oven. Hope
Grandpa gets done milking soon
so we can have milk and cookies.
Copyright 2020
Becky Terpening.
All rights reserved. Images
may not be use, transmitted,
or reproduced without the
written permission of the artist.
Down on the Farm   ID# B-001

This drawing won a blue ribbon
at the BCA art contest. The
judge liked my Van Gogh
tendency. She said to look at
the drawings Van Gogh did
before he started his paintings
and I would see we have very
similar style. I alway enjoy
winning contests but the
Judge's comments are like
hidden treasures.
Hidden in Tennessee   
ID# B-003
Shade Tree Mechanic  ID# B-012
I See You    ID# B-011

One of the trees has something
hiding in it. I see eyes watching us.
Barn located in Iowa.
Hessler Barn    ID# B-008
The Kersy Barn    ID# B-009
Haying Season is Done
ID# B-006
Loving the Farm in 1935  
ID# B-010
Cool Shadow
ID# B-014
Barn at the End of the Road   
ID# B-013
Lost in the Trees    ID# B-007
Hiding    ID# B-002

This Barn print was on TV last November. It is a fun drawing. You
will have to look really hard to find all of the items that are hiding in
this pen and ink.  You will find part of a piece of equipment, a cat
and a mouse, which is hiding really good from the cat and from you.
Misc. Art Gallery
Vehicles Gallery
Custom Art Gallery
People Gallery
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drawing you want, pick a size
from the pull down menu and
click Buy Now button which will
take you to PayPal. Drawings
come matted. Frames are
Go to Custom Drawing page to
order a drawing of your own
barn or house drawing.
Grandma' Chicken House  
ID# B-019
If not in USA email for shipping cost.
Winter Barn with Pheasants
ID# B-015
BF Avery Waiting for Chore Time
ID# B-016
In the Quiet     IB-17
Barn with Green Wagon
Fall Colors
ID# B_018
Rustic Barn
ID# B-020
ID# B-021
Ghost Dog ID# B022
walking behind the man as they
head to the barn.
Farm Life   ID# B-005
Behind the Gate
ID# B-023
Silent Barn    ID# 24
Barn in Need   ID# 25
Home for Lunch   ID# 27
Illinois Barn  ID# 26
Iowa Barn ID# 28
By the Lake  ID# 29